Thursday, November 20, 2008

Too early...

Too early this morning for the kind of talk Mikayla wanted to have ;). We are driving to school and out of no where she says "Mommy, can Jesus do anything?"
Me: Yes he can
Mikayla: Why?
Me: Because God's his Daddy, and he can do anything
Mikayla: because he was on the cross and now he protects me?
Me: yes
Mikayla: Is Jesus with Great Nannie, our baby, Aunt Alison's kitty?
Me: yes
Mikayla: ok.
Oh geez.
As hard as it is for me to understand all this, I can't imagine for a 3 year old. Her curiousity is wonderful, but I feel like on the topic of death I struggle for the right words. The other day she asked me why she couldn't see Great Nannie. I said because she was in Heaven. She asked me why, and I said because she was really really old and God needed her to come to Heaven. Then, on Saturday my baby brother turned 19. I said to Nelson I can't believe how OLD Joey is, and Mikayla heard me and said is Uncle Joe going to Heaven?!?! She was so worried. (Since I told her Nannie went because she was old and here Joey is now old). I told her no no have to be older than Gigi and Pop Pop. She seemed ok with this answer. Brianna doesn't really get into conversations like this. They all started after the miscarriage, and I think she sees how upset I get whenever the baby is brought up so she steers clear of these topics. Mikayla is just really seeking answers....aren't we all.

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