Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuning 'em out...

I was watching Chelsea Handler last night, and she was interviewing Brooke Burke. Brooke was saying she can do things and talk on the phone because mom's can tune out the kids. This is so true. I am able to talk, make lunch, deal with issues, and it can be super loud but it doesn't bother me. Nelson can't handle this. He hasn't been able to tune them out yet :). Chelsea said that when she talks to her sister that it totally stresses her out when she hears her nephew freaking out in the background and her sister just goes about the conversation. I'm wondering if my friends without kids feel this way. If they wonder how I can be having a conversation with chaos all around me. I figure I either talk with the background chaos, or never talk...I'd much rather tune out then miss out on my conversations with my friends :).

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