Monday, February 16, 2009

So much going on!

I haven't posted in a couple weeks because we've been super busy. Our cousins were in town which was so fun. The girls wanted to emulate everything their 8 and 10 year old cousins did, it was really cute. When I was young and my cousin, Sabrina, would come spend some time with my Grandparents I wanted to have my hair like hers, and dress like her....and now my children are doing that with her children...crazy. We just celebrated Nelson's b-day...he turned 27. It reminded me of his 19th b-day (the first day he flirted with me ;) ). Now here we are with our children and we're going to celebrate 6 years of marriage in June.

The girls are amazing. So fun, and full of joy. They are needing their own space more and more. I have to separate them lately a lot just because they get on each other's nerves over silly things. I think it's just the age. Usually they are sweet with each other though :).

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