Monday, April 30, 2007

Who would've thought...

I've always been a pretty private person. I only let people who are close to me in. However, when you have kids a lot changes. I have noticed I'm a lot more open. I talk about things I never dreamed I'd talk about. For instance, poop. Yes, #2, caca, poo poo, whatever you call it...we're talking about it a lot in my house. My girls are very interested in going potty. Brianna though has gone #2 every day in the potty for the past week!! I don't know if she doesn't want to feel it in her diaper anymore, if she loves how excited my husband and I get when she goes in the potty, or the M&M I give her as a treat when she goes ;). Whatever it is I am SO glad!! Mikayla on the other hand will sit on the potty if I ask her if she wants to go and some times she'll go #1...but we haven't gotten a #2 yet. When I ask her if she wants to be a big girl, she looks at me, and says baby. So....their only 18's ok if I have one all about it, and one who wants to be my "baby". They amaze me so much. Yes, I know this is a topic only a mother can really understand......but it's what's exciting in our house right now :).

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